Bowman // Magnolia, TX

Wow. These humans are SO IN LOVE & it was a total joy to photograph the first day of marriage. You may remember seeing their gorgeous faces running around a crazy canyon a few months ago! It wouldn’t be too wild to say that there are no two people who love Gods creation more than them. We bonded over how free we feel out in wild, soaking in the Vitamin D, smelling the wood scents, & the list goes on and on and on. Cause these two get the love-for-nature thing.

Their August wedding was a warm one (we were all a lil sweaty), buuuut they didn’t complain one bit! Their wedding day was peaceful. So unbelievably light. If you have reservations about a First Look, look no further, their first look is one for the books! Ryan was actually speechless at her beauty! All the people watching had tears in their eyes - I felt all the emotions. So many hugs throughout the day connected everyone so intimately! They treated us like family. It was the best.

On the photography side, most of the day was spent outside in harsh lighting. Their wedding was from like 10-5 (or so) and though I felt comfortable in harsh noon lighting, the ever changing skies led to the dark clouds + the bright, harsh lighting. I did learn that composition with blown out backgrounds is very important in order to properly expose for their skin. I just can’t get over how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous bride so willing to run around in heels in the tall grass for the boho vibes. I’m so so so lucky.

Enjoy their incredible wedding day! Cheers to the Bowmans!

Have I Told You
Matthew Mole

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Mullane // San Antonio, TX


Year in Review: 2018