Stephanie & Ryan: Vibrant Forest Engagement

Stephanie & Ryan - cheerful in nature & absolutely smitten with each other.

We made our way to Huntsville State Park to bring back the nostalgia visiting the spots where they use to camp together. They have been together for just shy of a decade, and love spending their time camping all over Texas. I felt so welcomed into their story, rich with joyful memories and quirky tales of love as we spent the evening together. It is an understatement to say that these two are wildly in love and light up each others faces with laughter - they joked and laughed through the entire session!

I was so inspired by their love and nostalgia, that I felt like this session had a vibe of "vintage camping romance." There is something so classic about their love story paired with the cloudy weather with the hint of golden sun; I feel like some of these photos can be on a postcard.  Our time felt like a friendship forming, and that only strengthened after alligator sightings, caterpillar attacks, and a shared meal at Five Guys after the session.

These are the kind of people I love and the sessions that set my heart on fire: adventurous and inviting love stories with kind and optimistic people.

So excited for their wedding next March! <<


Abbey & Michael: Wildflower Engagement Session


Miriam & Justin: Rainy Day After Session