My top 8 apps and software I use to support our small, creative wedding business!
Honeybook is what I use for all my contracts, payments, and client information. (save 15% for a full year with this link!) Basically, Honeybook keeps everything in one place, which makes my life and my clients wedding planning so simple. They recently added automations, so that has cut my emailing time in half - totally recommend Honeybook!
Lightroom is the only software I use for editing. I know some photographers use Photoshop, but most photographers will only use Lightroom to edit these days, and I am one of them!
Pic-Time is how I deliver my clients galleries. (get your first month free by using this code! "5DK6BS") It’s clean, modern, and very fast to upload images! I used Pixieset for a few years, but it would take forever to upload a wedding, but Pic-Time is a quarter of that time. Also, there is an online shop built into the gallery so clients can order items directly from the gallery!
Narrative I LOVE Narrative for blogging. It use to take me hours to publish a single blog, but now I only need about 15 minutes to assemble all of the images together to post. Also, I write SEO into the ALT test for the images and then for Google SEO, so basically it’s magic. For the first time in six years, people have found me on Google from my blog pages.
Lens Rentals - every now and then, I will need an extra camera body or lens for a wedding I am photographing, so I rent from this incredible company.
Canva - All my pricing guides, planning guides, and marketing materials are made on Canvas. My business survives because of Canva!
Squarespace - The website you are currently reading from is run by Squarespace.
Unfold - Instagram planning and story templates!